![]() In 2009 Billy Bob Braithwaite was an unemployed West Virginia coal miner trying to escape his troubles, using crystal meth, and suffering through the downward spiral that is addiction. In the Summer of 2009 an old friend came upon him in his misery and took Brathwaite under his wing, nursing him back into the mainstream of society. During this time Billy Bob came to notice that his friend was an Amateur Radio Operator who was constantly whipped by his wife (XYL) and not allowed to put up visible antennas on his home, have more then one antenna on his car or be allowed to operate while she was in the vehicle with him. At that moment Brathwaite had an inspiration in which he hoped he could help payback his kind hearted friend in some small way. Billy Bob Brathwaite became the World's first known Amateur Radio Life Coach. An now in 2021 for a very reasonable fee Brathwaite will meet with you in a counseling session to get the root of your limitations and then pay your wife a visit. He can point to several examples of his success stories such as VY3OMG who was not allowed anything larger then a 2M 1/4 wave whip hidden just outside a side yard window and now boasts one of the World's largest Quad antennas on a 120' tower. ![]() Then there is WW4AW who went from just having just one single Baofeng handheld with a bent rubber duck antenna to one of the World's largest shacks and an impressive array of operating positions as well as door locking systems. Braithwaite's favorite client to date is AX2CAR who went from carrying a handheld hidden in his glovebox to this impressive mobile array and a World Class Contest Rover. (Shown below is his daily commute configuration) ![]() Brathwaite claims that though his methods may be considered unorthodox by many you can not argue against his results. The Life Coach claims that he is so busy now with word of mouth referral that he cannot service all the requests and is considering mentoring others to fill the need for more Amateur Radio Life Coaching. When pressed for reactions from the spouses of these Operators Brathwaite was evasive and did not give any conclusive answers as to the spouses reactions. In fact our investigations were unable to uncover any reactions from an XYL nor did we actually meet or even see any of them. That aside the Ham Radio operators we met were happy and living fulfilled lives, fully accepting who they were as individuals and living their best lives. -VA7SL reporting from Burnsville West Virginia The DIPOLE - the Worlds finest Amateur Radio News Source like a Dipole there are two sides to every story, we ignore those sides, digging deeper for unwanted lobes and parasitic reactions |
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